Monday, December 23, 2019

Gender Stereotypes In The Gutting Of Couffignal - 1174 Words

Carving Out Gender Stereotypes in â€Å"The Gutting of Couffignal† â€Å"The Gutting of Couffignal† is a detective fiction short story written by Dashiell Hammett that focuses on the mystery surrounding the attack on the town of Couffignal by an unknown gang, and more specifically, the robberies and murders that ensue. Hammett’s story is classified as hard-boiled fiction, which Encyclopaedia Britannica defines as a â€Å"tough, unsentimental style of American crime writing† (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica). Due to its hard-boiled nature, â€Å"The Gutting of Couffignal† mainly focuses on the issue of large-scale crime in the city. However, throughout the story, Hammett uses gender stereotyping of both the protagonist and the antagonist by the readers†¦show more content†¦Unlike the Continental Op, Princess Zhukovski allows some of her most significant actions to be ruled by her own gender stereotyping. To begin with, the princess is taken by surprise when the Op announces his suspicions of her. Her react ion proves that she does not believe he would come to those conclusions, not only because she is of royal birth but also because she is a woman. Once the princess realizes she is found out, Zhukovski attempts to gain sympathy from the Continental Op by expressing the woes of her troublesome past life. She laments, â€Å"There was no place for us in world. Outcasts easily become outlaws† (Hammett 250). Zhukovski hopes that her sob story will touch the heart of the Continental Op and that her portrayal of the damsel in distress will drive the point home, but the Continental Op is having none of it. Growing in desperation, the princess plays her last card by seductively offering herself to him, and it appears it is a hand she has played before. Zhukovski expects even the strongest-willed men to bend before her at the promise of a sexual favor. At the conclusion of the story, the princess employs both her wealth and feminine wiles to save her own skin, bribing Flippo to kill the Continental Op for her. Hammett illustrates her tactics when he writes â€Å"She was singing, chanting, crooning Italian syllables into his round face† (252). Although Zhukovski successfully manipulates Flippo, it ultimately does her no good; once the

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