Thursday, January 9, 2020

Affirmative Action And The Civil Rights Movement Essay

Affirmative action is a strategy formed during the Civil Rights Movement in response to the prejudiced approach toward African American citizens in the American community. The policy advocates these citizens in particular conditions to avoid the unfairness they would usually receive. To explain why the system needed to be adjusted to be equal for everyone. It is essential to realize that African Americans came to America as laborers (slaves) made to work long hours and numerous slaves endured inhuman treatment and underwent severe injuries. American citizens in the South challenged a lengthy campaign to seek to continue to be permitted to own slaves but through Lincoln and abolitionist slave-owning was ultimately banished. Despite condemning slavery and installing multiple laws in society to assure African Americans be treated comparatively equal residents, this was not the situation in most regions in America particularly the South. Each endeavor by the government to secure the leve l treatment of the African American were met with difficulties. Companies in society rejected the idea to hire African Americans over a white American even if both had comparable abilities. As a consequence, African Americans could not be advanced in society and remained alternately crushed. This persecution transpired ignited the Civil Rights Movement and comprehensive transformation in American society. Affirmative Action was a component of the government’s acknowledgment of theShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Action And The Civil Rights Movement1568 Words   |  7 PagesAffirmative Action has had a very tumultuous 54-year history. Affirmative action was a strategy that forged the Civil Rights Movement in response to the prejudiced approach toward African American citizens in the United States. The policy advocates that black citizens in particular conditions to avoid the unfairness they would usually receive. 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